Sankalp Sanskritik Samiti is a non-religious, non-political voluntary organization that was founded in 1973 by a group of enthusiastic youths with a zeal for the promotion of social, educational, and cultural activities. The organization got registered in 1989 and commenced its functioning for the upliftment of marginal communities, especially women and children of tribal, urban, and rural areas of Chhattisgarh.
Over the past 34 years, Sankalp has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of millions of people in Chhattisgarh. The organization has a strong track record of success in achieving its goals and is committed to continuing its efforts to make a difference in the lives of the people of Chhattisgarh & Punjab.
Sankalp's work focuses on Education and literacy, Health and nutrition, Water and sanitation, Women's empowerment, Child Protection, Livelihoods, Environmental Protection, and more.
Sankalp has a total staff strength of 60 full-time staff and 7 part-time staff. The project staff are from all walks of life, including social development professionals, locally educated youth, social activists, and researchers. Sankalp is a trusted partner of the Government of Chhattisgarh and has received funding from a variety of donors, including the World Bank, UNICEF, and the European Union. We are proud of our work, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to make a difference in the lives of the people of Chhattisgarh. Thank you for your interest in Sankalp Sanskritik Samiti. We hope that you will consider supporting our work.